Re-imagine social
community, together.

Alexandria Technologies is a community-developing social platform and online bookstore. We are building a more humane future for online interactions. Enter your email in the form above to learn more about our mission and stay up-to-date on our progress.

Advanced Reading Tools

Alexandria Technologies will be working from the start to create a platform that helps people move forward on their reading journey, no matter their level! If you’re looking for help because you’re new to reading or because you want to use our tools to help you read in a new language, we have the features to get you going.


  • ADHD-approved reading features like word tracking
  • Parallel audiobook to written book reading to help develop connection between spoken words and written text
  • Technology to help develop your speed-reading skills
Advanced Note-taking Tools

Whether you’re in school, reading to get ahead at work, or you just can’t help but have copious thoughts on your favorite fiction, sometimes things need notes! We will offer intuitive and easy-to-use tools that people can use to make notes about the things they’re reading or listening to.


  • Intuitive in-text notes
  • Interactive voice memos
  • Ability to share notes easily with friends and family
A Humane Social Network

Use our tools to help you connect with fellow book lovers the world over! Don’t just write reviews for the things you love; enter into discussions about the latest books or podcasts that you can’t put down! And do it on a social network that’s been humanely designed, not one that’s been designed to take advantage of our human vulnerabilities. At Alexandria Technologies, we have a responsibility to make sure we “use ethical design in all our products and services”. With this stance, our platform will be a space for people to come together to share stories and create discussions!

This means:

  • Algorithms built with the priority of the customer at the forefront, not built to prioritize how much time users spend on our platform
  • We are a public benefit corporation! Read our tenants here

Build with us.

Ready to build a more humane future for social media? Fill out the form below to stay up-to-date with us, our launch, and the future of digital community.