Re-imagine social
community, together.

Alexandria Technologies is a community-developing social platform and online bookstore. We are building a more humane future for online interactions. Enter your email in the form above to learn more about our mission and stay up-to-date on our progress.

Alexandria Technologies is a Benefit Corporation

Alexandria Technologies’ mission is to create a reading and listening experience around books, audiobooks, and podcasts that is second to none. We measure our success as a company by how well we achieve our mission, not by our profits. That’s why we incorporated as a Benefit Corporation from the very beginning.

Benefit Corporations are for-profit companies that are obligated to consider the impact of their decisions on society, not only shareholders. Radically, positive impact on society becomes part of a Benefit Corporation’s legally defined goals. When a company becomes a Benefit Corporation, it can choose to make further commitments. In our charter we spell out our values and the commitments we have made to pursue them (shown below):

  1. To encourage reading and education everywhere
  2. To use ethical design in all our products and services
  3. To build a healthy, equitable, diverse and inclusive work environment
  4. Help be good stewards of the environment
  5. To engage in business practices that promote a healthy and diverse business ecosystem